13 April 2010


I don't remember ever thinking I would make a career of writing, although I wrote for the campus paper in  high school and college.  I also served on the yearbook staff in college and during my teaching career was on the writing team of a newsletter for educators.

A couple of years ago I began a quest for success.  Not the "I wanna make a million" kind of success, but the success that leads to happiness because you love your work, your relationships are good and you are leading a life of balance and harmony.  Although, if anyone has any ideas about the "I wanna make a million"  I'd be happy to listen. . . just 'cause.

I reread a book, The Creative Way, during this quest and was reminded of the significance of making time to write in one's life.  In my earlier post I mentioned my interest in beautiful journals which I never wrote in for fear of messing them up.  So, I bought some college notebooks at Staples http://www.staples.com/ and began the writing exercises as recommended in the Creative Way.

It took a while to get the hang of it, but soon I looked forward to my early morning ritual with a mug of coffee and the quiet as my only companions.   I believe the author dubbed her writing method as "stream of conscience" writing.  Just recording whatever thoughts were going through your mind when sitting down with pen and paper.  This took a little getting used to for me.  But, once I started the routine deciding what to write about was no longer the problem.

Funny, it was easy to begin and continue this practice on inexpensive college rule, but I couldn't use those nice journals.  And I couldn't bring myself to blog.  Until now.  Another dichotomy.  One really interesting thing about the whole process was that the morning ritual evolved into a meditation time and was a way of thinking, processing and evaluating stuff in my life.  It has been a helpful practice leading me to a heightened awareness about so many little things in life.  Little things that lead to success.  Not the money kind but the harmonious and happy kind.  All because of some college rule and an ink pen.

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